EARTH Stories

A Passion for Agriculture Passed Down Through Generations

Gilmer Mendoza (Class of 2026, Venezuela) learned to love agriculture from a young age. His grandfather dedicated more than 50 years to buffalo farming, and his father, Golfredo Mendoza (Class of 2001, Venezuela), followed in his footsteps. For Gilmer, it was always clear that he too wanted to become an agronomist and, like his father, study at EARTH University.

After finishing high school, Gilmer had the support of his family to consider different options. He imagined what his life could be like at a university in the Netherlands, he researched agriculture-related programs in the United States, and he learned about various programs in Germany. Although each option promised a bright future, his decision was unwavering: he wanted to study at EARTH. After demonstrating his potential as a change leader in our competitive admissions process, Gilmer was accepted into the university.

Today, Gilmer is in his second year of studies, and has no doubt when he says, with a big smile on his face, that coming to EARTH has been the best decision he has ever made. He feels his life has a purpose, and that he is gaining the necessary knowledge to become a great professional and continue a family tradition that fills him with pride and passion.


Like his grandfather and father, Gilmer wants to dedicate himself to buffalo farming. “What I like most is working with animals. I believe that as professionals, we can create a connection to collaborate on animal welfare within the industry. I have learned that animals should be treated with respect and dignity regardless of their purpose in business. Animal production can be ethical, and that’s why I want to keep working in this field,” he says.

Gilmer has also found new passions in courses like Entomology (the branch of zoology dedicated to the study of insects), Food Processing, and Applied Genetics. He dreams of taking the third-year International Internship course in Italy or Brazil, places where he can learn more about buffalo rearing and dairy products.

“I am living the experience I dreamed of since I was a child. I feel that at this University, one grows a lot as a person and builds character. I love making many new friends and forming lasting and strong friendships. I love the academic model; everything I’m learning and how I’m learning it is also important because without practice, sometimes it’s very hard to learn the theory. Learning by doing has been very valuable to me,” he adds.

Throughout his life, Gilmer saw his father’s personal and professional sense of fulfillment. He heard him talk to friends from all over the world. He saw him return to the Guácimo Campus during several Alumni Reunions to reconnect with other EARTH graduates and his alma mater. And now, he follows in his footsteps with conviction. We know great things await him!

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