EARTH has a network of almost 3,000 alumni from 55 countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and Europe, who contribute to the sustainable development of their countries and who construct a prosperous and just society.
On one of Julius Mbuga’s (Class of 2005, Uganda) visits promoting EARTH University to secondary schools in East Africa, a man listened attentively to what Julius was saying. The…
When Antonio Pérez Sántiz (Class of 2021, Mexico) was eight years old, he read in a book that education is the key to success. Since then, he has not stopped striving to find new…
When Faith Mukami John (Class of 2015, Kenya) finished high school and had to choose a career, people around her were surprised: in the context she came from, it was rare to…
De la mano con el caficultor. Under this slogan – meaning “hand-in-hand with the coffee farmer” – Terence Fuschich (Class of 1998, Honduras) has worked to sustainably boost small…
Once graduated, an EARTH professional has the following skills:
Exercises leadership
Ability to make decisions, promote change and ensure that others do so at local and global levels, influencing decision makers in a constructive and participatory manner.
Behaves in accordance with EARTH values and principles
Respect towards the principles that govern the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, driven by EARTH University’s values to contribute to sustainable development and build a prosperous and just society.
Is sensitive and committed to solving social and environmental problems
Ability to identify needs and commit to opportunities that promote human and the planet’s welfare.
Communicates effectively
Capacity to communicate in an effective, assertive and multimodal manner.
Builds effective interpersonal relationships and teamwork
Ability to interact collaboratively and with emotional intelligence, in diverse, intercultural and interdisciplinary contexts, motivating and leading teams towards common goals.
Has a commitment to lifelong learning
Attitude to learn and keep themselves permanently updated.
Solves problems in a structured way
Ability to identify, raise and solve issues in a critical, creative and structured way.
Has a solid technical foundation
Ability to solve agricultural, community development and environmental management problems.
Possesses managerial and entrepreneurial capacity
Ability to develop and manage projects based on the identification of rural community development and environmental management opportunities, with a global and entrepreneurial perspective.
Works for the sustainable development & management of agriculture & natural resources
Ability to create and manage businesses and agricultural processes as well as manage natural resources with a commitment to sustainable development.
Applies science and technology
Ability to create, promote and manage technological change, produce new scientific knowledge and apply technologies for sustainable rural development.
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