Developing Solutions

EARTH Futures identifies, develops, and tests innovative solutions that improve the quality of life and sustainability of rural communities where we work. 


Through strategic alliances with local partners, we implement a holistic process that combines creativity with science and technology. We start with diagnosis, research, exhaustive analysis, and interdisciplinary collaboration to design practical and effective solutions to address the environmental, social, and technological challenges in the community. In addition to solving immediate problems, we work to anticipate and prevent future obstacles with an approach that drives long-term sustainable change for communities and global well-being.

Primary focuses
Sustainable agriculture and natural resource management  
We advance food security and sovereignty, and sustainable management and regeneration of natural resources – water, soil, and biodiversity – through best agricultural practices, resilient farming, and community participation.
Entrepreneurship and job creation
We promote new models and approaches for developing new skills with children, youth, and adults to improve quality of life and strengthen people’s commitment to their communities.
Climate change
We build practical and interactive models to strengthen climate change adaptation, mitigation, and resilience among farmers, youth, and community stakeholders in rural areas.
Inclusion and social equity
PWe foster inclusion and equity for vulnerable populations in rural communities through a comprehensive approach that empowers and develops leadership skills and provides opportunities for community growth with a positive environmental impact.
Technological innovation
We create new models that use precision agriculture, alternative energy, and other technologies along with hands-on approaches to equip farmers with the knowledge and tools they need to improve farm management and sustainable production.
Our initiatives and projects
Project REAL (Rural Entrepreneurship for Agricultural Livelihoods)

Our work: Project REAL works to promote resilient food systems by strengthening Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) so they can implement sound business practices and access fairer markets. 


Country: Guatemala

Start: 2022

End: 2024

Status: Active

Donors: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) through ANDE (Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs) and the Argidius Foundation.

Strategic partners: Vivamos Mejor Association, Anacafé, and Funcafé.

RAS Project (Resilient Agrifood Systems)
Our work: The RAS Project seeks to strengthen Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) so they become effective and resilient businesses capable of positively impacting their communities. We also offer farmers personalized attention to foster more efficient production. The components of our work are resilient agriculture, market access, and organizational strengthening. Countries: Guatemala & Costa Rica Start: 2020 Costa Rica / 2021 Guatemala End: 2024 Status: Active Donor: Walmart Foundation Strategic partners: 


  • Cooperative La Voz que Clama en el Desierto (The Voice Crying in the Desert) 
  • CORCI Association 
  • Oxlajuj E Women’s Association
  • Cooperative Mok’aj Samajela (Commercial branch of the Comité Campesino del Altiplano, CCDA)
  • Cooperative Copejaay (Commercial branch of the Consortium)
Costa Rica: 
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock 
  • Costa Rica Por Siempre Association 
  • Fundecooperación
RTEP (Resiliency through Egg Production)

Our work: RTEP contributes to food security and income diversification of farming families by establishing production units that allow them to market eggs within a fair value chain.


Country: Guatemala

Start: 2023

End: 2024

Status: Active

Donor: Cargill

Strategic partners: CORCI, Pea farmers’ organization; Oxlajuj E Women’s Association; Coopejaay.

New Skills for the Agriculture of the Future

Our work: With this project we designed a hybrid training program for youth from professional technical schools (CTPs in Spanish) to enhance their technical knowledge in precision agriculture, entrepreneurship skills, and social-emotional skills to better prepare them for life.


Country: Costa Rica

Start: 2021

End: 2024

Status: Active

Donor: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

Strategic partners: Innovation Lab of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDBLab) and the Ministry of Public Education (MEP).

Nourishing the

Future IV

Our work: Nourishing the Future IV works to improve livelihoods and income generation, and promote gender equity for women small-scale farmers, microentrepreneurs, and their families.


Countries: Honduras, Guatemala & Costa Rica

Start: 2022

End: 2025

Status: Active

Donor: Cargill

Strategic partner: CARE International


0 k

hectares are under an improved conservation framework and/or with improved sustainable management practices

US$ 0

million invested and leveraged in these solutions

+ 0

models developed or in progress

+ 0 k

direct and indirect beneficiaries

Our Partners

The challenges facing rural areas are complex, and at EARTH Futures we know that we can only overcome them by working hand in hand with others. We collaborate with a diverse and growing network of allies who share our passion, vision and values.

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